Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Creating Your Surreal Fantasy Perspective Digital Art Work

What to do once you have drawn your perspective building.

I have drawn my house based on the sample.  I lined both the sample with perspective lines drawn
in and my drawing and chose Window Arrange Tile Two Horizontal

Then it was much easier to draw the image to look the same as the sample.

I want my composite for the background to use one or more of my sunset photos, moons, possibly stars, some strange art shapes that I will scan before I paint the house with brushes and patterns.  I will start with the scans.  

When you are ready start adding layers in your composite.  Use image adjust to any layer to change look.
Use transparency on layers to aid you in adjustment. 
You can also use layer style to change the look of any layer.
When you have a good idea of what might be in your composite add your building and continue with painting it.  

Monday, February 6, 2017

Illustrator Tutorial Make T shirt Logo for Contest

Phi Theta Kappa Logo 

Text: International Honor Society Two-Year College,     Blue      Gold,
Golden Key, Athena, Oak Leaves, Laurel,purpose Phi Theta Kappa recognize encourage scholarship among two-year college students., Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity development leadership service, intellectual climate exchange ideas ideals, lively fellowship scholars, stimulation interest continuing academic excellence

Ipad art

Other T shirt contests: